Life is better together.
At The Grove, we believe that life wasn’t meant to be done alone and that's what we believe our growth groups are all about. We believe that relationships develop and lives are changed as we gather together, connect with each other, and grow with one another.
We know that it can be challenging to get connected.
We also know that groups are not "one size fits all." That's why we have many opportunities for anyone. We have guys meeting for coffee before work or after work. We have ladies meeting weekly sharing life together. We have families meeting in homes in the middle of the week, eating food, and sharing their wins, weaknesses, and things they need to work on. There is something available for everyone.
What do our growth groups do?
Each group is unique and the activities are as diverse as the groups. Our groups simply meet, do life together, and discover how we can develop our lives, our relationships, our faith and be real, open, and honest.
What if none of these work for you?
If there's not a group that fits your schedule or meets your interest, we encourage you to create one. Just contact us and we'll help you! It's simple. We'll talk through what you can do and what resources are available for you to get you going!
Get in. Engage with others. Grow together.
ADULTS | ADUltS: Ladies | ADULTS: Men
families | students | Health/wellness | Recovery
Paint and Praise | Kathleen Green
Come fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ as we use and expand the creativity God has given us. We'll have fun painting, crafting, and praising Jesus. We'll meet every second Wednesday OR the very next evening on Thursday (both sessions are identical) of the month at 6pm. If interested or for more details, click here.
Zoom Bible Study | David Lanton
Do you have a crazy schedule? Can't always make it to service? Get plugged in with us, we get it. We have two Zoom time slots. You pick which one works for you when it works for you. We meet via Zoom on Wednesdays at 9:45am or 7pm, both are an hour long. We always recap Sunday's message and any other studies we might be doing. So, wherever you are, whether on the go or at home, on your phone, or on your computer, you are always welcome. If we sound like your kind of community and want to get more details, click here.
Young Newlyweds | Josh and Hannah Fadeley
Navigating newlywed life can be both challenging and a ton of fun! We hope to build meaningful community through fellowship and Biblical discussion. Join us on Wednesday evenings at 6:30! If this sounds like your kind of community and you’re interested in more details, click here.
ADULTS in South Tville | Rene and Claudia Quintero
Join us for an in-depth Bible Study and get to know the heart of God better as we meet to study God’s Word, pray, and share the joys and challenges of life. We meet every Wednesday evening at 6.30pm. If this sounds like your kind of community and you’re interested in more details, click here.
The Wheir’s Marriage Group | Matt and Mel Wheir
Hi! We know that marriage is tough and we’re not perfect! We need you as much as you need us. We’ll gather every other Thursday at 6pm to pray, fellowship, eat, and navigate this thing called marriage. If this sounds like your kind of community, and you’re interested in more details, click here.
Adults in Titusville | Dennis and Tina Adamson
Meeting every Thursday at 1pm, the Adamson’s create an opportunity for adults to connect—to be able to gather together, share how their week is going, and work through the weekend message or a relevant, relatable, life-applicable book learning about the Bible or study of the bible and how it applies to every aspect of our lives. If interested or for more details, click here.
Programs & Prep | B.O.B and Salli
Join us each Friday at 2.30pm to stuff programs. We'll pray, fellowship, laugh, and get the programs and all things church ready for the weekend. If this sounds like your kind of community and you’re interested in more details, click here.
Parents of Adult Prodigals | Renee Ratcliffe
This is a support group of like-minded Christian parents who are also struggling emotionally and spiritually with being a loving parent of a prodigal. Support groups are so valuable — everyone understands what you’re feeling because they have the same feelings and concerns. There is no guilt or shame in reaching out for support from others in the community. If you would like more details, click here.
College and Career | Dennis and Michelle Stanifer
The College & Career Growth Group is for individuals who are between the ages of 19 and 29 and are currently in college or just beginning their chosen careers. Join us for a home-cooked meal, fellowship, and a table-talk/Bible study where we go deeper into The Grove's weekly messages and learn how to become apprentices of Jesus, live as He did, and share Him with others on campus or at the workplace. For a request to join, click here.
Make Marriage Great Again | Mark and Dianne Johns
Whether you're a newlywed or have been married for a long time, marriage is not always easy. Come join us as we grow in our relationships with our spouses and possibly learn why we act and react the ways we do, how we can better connect with our spouses, and how we can keep God as the focus of our marriages and our homes. If this sounds like your kind of community and you’re interested in more details, click here.
International Small Group | Eduardo Baldaci
Every Saturday, we meet from house to house to pray, meditate on a Biblical curriculum, and share bread with people of different nationalities. Our environment is one of friendship, patience with those who don't speak English perfectly, and an open heart to learn about other cultures and taste different foods. For a request to join, click here.
IHOP: International House of Prayer | Sohail and Sharnel Bhatti
We are a body of believers at The Grove Church committed to praying for the world around us and mobilizing people into the mission field from our neighborhood to the ends of the earth! We’ll be studying cross-cultural considerations and how to get involved in reaching the world for Jesus Christ and helping them become devoted disciples. All are welcome! If this sounds like your kind of community and you’re interested in more details, click here.
Broken & Rising | Sarah Goras and James Ricks
This group is dedicated to sharing and supporting each other through stories of spiritual, verbal, and emotional abuse that can leave us feeling broken. Together, we’ll rise above these experiences, rebuilding healthy trust—within ourselves, with others, and with God. While this is not a therapy or counseling group, it is a safe space for open discussion, Bible studies, and book studies, where we encourage healing and growth without judgment or pressure. You are not alone in your journey. Through shared stories and mutual support, we aim to uplift and heal our hearts. Join us on Mondays at 6:30 PM. If you would like more information, click here.
Far From Home Prayer Group | Glen and Carolyn Schmidt
The parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) is one of the most powerful and beloved stories Jesus told, revealing profound truths about God’s love, forgiveness, and grace. We invite you to come pray for your loved ones who are far from God. As it says in Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them.” Through this prayer group, we will reflect on the heart of God for those who have strayed, the joy of repentance, and the importance of reconciliation in our relationships with God and others. For a request to join, click here.
The Classroom Champions | Cadence Mister and Adena Knight
Are you interested in meeting with other teachers and being able to discuss the hardships that come with teaching these developing minds? If so, this is the group for you! We want to create an environment where we can discuss the hardships that come with this career field, share some advice we’ve all learned along the way, and grow in the Word together as we teach these young minds about our Lord and Savior. If you would like more information, click here.
Victorious Caregivers | Maryam Murshed
Are you on an unexpected journey caring for a loved one or family member? Our small group is here for spiritual support and fellowship. We’ll share resources and learned advice as we navigate and overcome the hurdles to becoming victorious caregivers! For a request to join, click here.
Titus 2 | Trisha Snider
Grove Titus 2 is a once-a-month time of refreshment for women. Come relax, enjoy a light brunch, and be encouraged by ladies who are a step ahead in the journey. We meet on the first Monday of the month from 10am-noon in the lobby. Join us for the optional craft time from 9-10. Childcare is available for children ages 4 and under. If interested or for more details, click here.
Moms in Prayer | Cynthia Daniels
Do you have a passion to pray for your child or grandchild and their school? Would you like to be a part of a group that meets regularly to pray for the students and schools in Titusville and Brevard county? Then join us Wednesday mornings from 9-10am in the Grove Prayer Chapel. God is doing great things! If interested or for more details, click here.
Book Club | Anna Howell
Are you looking for a casual book club where women can encourage each other while sharing books with themes of faith? Book club picks will be decided by the group and may include fiction or non-fiction, secular or Christian, and classics or contemporary picks. The truth of Jesus can be found everywhere. The group meets on the first Monday of every month at 7pm to discuss books while sharing food and faith. If interested or for more details, click here.
Young Moms | Shaina Montgomery
Join us every other Wednesday morning from 9-11. This is a time for you young moms and kids to make new friendships and deepen your relationships with God. We’ll have coffee and light snacks—you are encouraged to bring a snack/dish to share as well. We have a large backyard and playground, so play attire for the kids is best. If this sounds interesting to you, click here.
Grove Women | Merari McFarland
We’re thrilled to welcome you to our Grove Women! This is an incredible opportunity to deepen your connections and grow spiritually in a warm, intimate setting. By joining our private Facebook group, we’ll uplift each other daily through scripture devotional studies (from Love God Greatly), share reflections on our insights, and pray for each other. But that’s not all! To add even more joy to our journey, we’ll gather every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month to dive into what we’ve learned and revel in some sweet fellowship. So, dive in today, grab your Bible, and become an integral part of the Grove Women community! We can’t wait to grow together! For more details, click here.
Single Ladies | Jazmin Stevens
Join us every Sunday from 5-7pm. This group is a chance for unmarried women without children to make connections with other like-minded women. We will be going through various Bible studies and learning how to grow our relationship with God in this season of our lives. If this sounds interesting to you, click here.
The Orchard | Anna Swanson
The Orchard is a place where women between the ages of 18 and 45 can encourage one another, fellowship with one another, and journey together with Jesus. Come join us on Fridays at 6:45pm where we socialize and dig deep into the Word. If you are interested or would like more information, click here.
Men in PORT ST. JOHN | Jeff Nails
Every Tuesday morning at 6am, Jeff meets with other men at Port Java Coffee Shop, where they meet to work through a book of the Bible, chapter by chapter, and engaging in discussion. If interested or for more details, click here.
Sunrise Men’s Group | Richard Dixon
Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. We meet every Wednesday night at 6:30pm. If interested or for more details, click here.
Two Wheels and a Prayer | Monty Breuer
Come join a men's group focused on both God's Word and rider safety. We'll expand on the Sunday sermon and then rider education. If you ride, used to ride, or have a passion to learn to ride, you're invited. We will look forward to monthly events (pillon pals invited!) such as burger or bbq runs and parking lot practice (slow speed maneuvering). This is an opportunity for men to learn from other men and share, grow, and confide with each other. If interested or for more details, click here.
Queremos invitarte a participar en nuestro pequeño grupo en la iglesia. Este es un espacio especial donde podemos compartir la Palabra de Dios, orar juntos, apoyarnos mutuamente y fortalecer nuestra fe en comunidad. No importa si es tu primera vez o si ya has asistido antes, ¡todos son bienvenidos! Ven tal como eres y trae a un amigo si lo deseas. Si está interesado o para más detalles, haga clic aquí.
Family at Fox Lake | Matt and Kim Lundquist
Adulting is stressful. If you have ever wanted time to relax and connect with your adult friends while your kids play together, this is the group for you! Come join our big family on the first Sunday of the month from 2 to 4pm. We appreciate that "family" looks different for us all, and our differences make us stronger together. If interested or for more details, click here.
UncomMen (HS Guys) | Carlos Garcia
Join us on Thursday evenings at 6.30pm. Let’s talk about who were are in Christ and how He made us. He’s given us each a purpose both individually and corporately. Let’s talk about it! If this sounds like your kind of community and you’re interested in more details, click here.
High School Guys | Barry Russell
Every Friday morning at 7.15, Pastor Barry connects with high school guys, investing in them to help them navigate common experiences that these guys will encounter. They will be taught to trust in Him in all their ways. Student groups follow the BCSB calendar. If interested or for more details, click here.
HIgh School Senior Girls | SammyJo Sams
High School Senior Girls! Join us on Monday mornings at 6.30 for a Bible study. We will meet at the Grove Cafe to drink coffee and grow together! If interested or for more details, click here.
Law Enforcement, Military, First Responders for Men
LEMFR is a community of anonymity, confidentiality, and mutual identity. It’s a safe, open, honest, and transparent environment where law enforcement, military, and first responders can share their experiences with an opportunity to focus on solutions. What’s said here, stays here. We meet on the first and third Mondays of each month at 6pm. If interested or for more details, click here.
Walking with God Through Health Challenges | Denise Shepard
This is a support group for diabetics and parents of diabetics as well as other health challenges. Join us every Thursday at 2pm and we’ll dedicate time to understand, encourage, as well as share resources and personal challenges. If this sounds interesting to you, click here.
Group of NA®: “A Shot of Hope,” 6.30-7.30pm
Group of AA®: “Why We Were Chosen,” 6.30-7.30pm
Men’s Open Discussion, 7.35-8.35pm, Room 105
Group of NA®: “A Shot of Hope,” 6.30-7.30pm
Community Night Speaker Meeting, 6-7pm
Mothers of Addicted Loved Ones, 6-7pm
Families of Addicted Loved Ones, 6-7pm
Group of AA®: “Why We Were Chosen,” 6.30-7.30pm
Men’s “Steps,” 6am, Grove Lobby
Ladies’ 12-Step Group, 6.30-7.30pm
Group of NA®: “A Shot of Hope,” 6.30-7.30pm
Group of AA®: “Why We Were Chosen,” 8-9pm
Group of AA®: “Why We Were Chosen,” 6.30-7.30pm
If interested or for more details, click here.
All Recovery groups are hosted at the Grove Church Facility unless otherwise noted.
rev Dec 2024